Derek Alli & Baby Lily

Derek Alli & Baby Lily

Friday, April 22, 2011

Derek's 30th!

This is a late post, but I want to put this into a book, so here it is!

A little party we had for Mr. Derek.  Isn't he so cute?  We all went to get Korean food (his favorite, not mine)  And then we came home and just had some cake and some friends over. It was a fun day.

love this picture

fun night

Getting the famous Blue Ribbon Baskin Robbins Cake, i am learning a family favorite

Oh brothers

Graduating BYU!

Well two years later I have graduation pictures.  I didn't realize that I needed some.  I finished school in the spring 2009, and then we had the weddings that summer so I just didnt think it was a big deal.  But then yesterday Derek's brother and sister both graduated from BYU and I wanted pictures too.  So two years later I am graduating!

BYU campus

classic pose - you can see the Y in the background

And I have this great Boyfriend when I graduated!

Well that was pretty fun yesterday taking pictures and hanging out with Derek's family. They are great people.  We are both lucky to come from such great families!

Driving To Southern Utah

Mexican Hat Rock
Another Driving Day.

Well, I haven't really driven far in a while. A few days ago me and Jenny Decker drove through Moab and stayed at this funny hotel in the middle of no where.  I don't think you guys understand what i mean when i drive to the middle of no where.  The school I drove to was an Indian Reservation.  Its amazing just how different every school is.

The beautiful rocks

oh beautiful me :)

This is  a little area i like to call mexican hat utah
And of course I have my other friend who shares the same passion on internet safety that i do....none other than Jenny Decker 
We ate two times in Moab.  Really good pizza, and then this fun little mexican restaurant.  Good times