Derek Alli & Baby Lily

Derek Alli & Baby Lily

Friday, April 22, 2011

Graduating BYU!

Well two years later I have graduation pictures.  I didn't realize that I needed some.  I finished school in the spring 2009, and then we had the weddings that summer so I just didnt think it was a big deal.  But then yesterday Derek's brother and sister both graduated from BYU and I wanted pictures too.  So two years later I am graduating!

BYU campus

classic pose - you can see the Y in the background

And I have this great Boyfriend when I graduated!

Well that was pretty fun yesterday taking pictures and hanging out with Derek's family. They are great people.  We are both lucky to come from such great families!


  1. Cute graduation pictures! It's never too late to take some! :)

  2. Ohhh, I love this post. Glad you put it up. You guys gave known each other a while already. Very fun and very cute.
